Sunday, April 19, 2009

Impossible Lime Pie.

To make two pies:
120g butter
1 cup SR flour
1 1/2 cups caster sugar
6 eggs
grated rind of 3 limes/lemons (I used lemonades from Mrs N's tree)
1 cup lime/lemon/lemonade juice
3 cups milk.
Mix all ingredients except milk. Then add milk and whisk. Bake two pies at 180 degrees for 1 hour. Serve with ice cream or thick cream.
Thankyou Mrs N for this recipe which was brought to a pot luck dinner at our house.


Mandy's Pink Home said...

This looks good I will be trying it later in the week.Thanks

Marilyn said...

Do you melt the butter in this one first? Looks yummy..I will have a go at it. Marilyn

Hill upon Hill said...

I always soften butter first.

Fiona said...

I have never made this one but we often had a plain impossible pie growing up - no lime or lemon. But maybe I should try it, I have some lemons ... yum!

Linda said...

It looks delicious. Anything with lemons or limes literally makes my mouth water!

Diary From Africa said...

The title of this blog post caught my eye ! Looks deliciously simple to make, too ;)